Thursday, February 9, 2012


Astoundingly the presets in Logic worked pretty well - I went direct with electric guitar for this one. This was a recording that did precisely what I wanted to, and that is always a happy time.
In spite of the chaotic sound of this song it's pretty sparse: drum track, bass, and three guitar tracks of which only two are playing at any time. One fx track for good measure.
I had all the instrumental tracks done and needed lyrics. It turned out the Arson lyrics fit the structure perfectly, so I went with them, making only a few slight changes from their original form in 2008.
Vocals were recorded late at night - of course - with Penelope sleeping a few doors down. Amazingly I never woke her. I recorded two falsetto tracks on the chorus - no easy feat - but as it got later I realized I could probably do a take with full voice, so I did. Not bad for having a cold. I don't think I have ever recorded my voice singing so high.

What's this song about? My original intent was to rant about huge retail chains and malls. I'll only admit this once, but I do not support arson as a means to any end. Maybe I'm using arson as a metaphor for 'any action whatsoever'.

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