Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nothing's Going to Change

Borrowed a technique from a favorite songwriter and took several different views of one phrase.
Melody-writing usually becomes a math problem when I do it. In this song I 'heard' most of it in my head, not the way SOME people do, but overall shapes and progressions. It's actually kind of weird that I don't conceive of melody in a specific way, but in an abstract geometric or even architectural way.
What that means is the process for actually completing the melody, fitting it to the chordal structure, becomes overly complicated.
I have many handicaps when it comes to melodic writing. I don't actually hear 'dissonance'. I could happily sing E-flats and Fs over a D major chord without batting an eye. I'm sure I have done that at some point.
In order to make sense in a traditional fashion I have to painstakingly go over every line and identify the notes I've chosen and quite deliberately move them around.
That of course takes patience, discipline, and attention to detail. And I totally had all of those ready but I must have left them on the bus or something, because I can't find them anywhere now.

I like this song. I threw a few string and organ part on it while I was putting it together and would have loved to include them but I didn't want the exact same lines coming up every single verse and chorus. Maybe someday I'll turn it into a finished recording. In the spirit of the project I throw it out there in its raw form.

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