Sunday, February 26, 2012


The song whose name might change. Naming songs is difficult.
I don't know what to think about this one. At times I think it sounds like I'm attempting - and failing - to write a Cole Porter song.
I wrote this late in the evening while taking a break from another tune, not uploaded yet, which was also written taking a break from another song not yet uploaded. Good grief.
In typically knuckleheaded fashion I put this together by first playing an organ part which seemed satisfactory, then working backward to force some chordal overlay over what I'd done. This enabled me to lay down a guitar track and even a bass line.
This is sort of an anti-love song and as such was an exercise, a character sketch - and definitely a needed break from what I was working on. I'm assuming that tonight I'll finish that: it's very close but it is a proper love song with a minimum of convolutions so if I can buckle down and write a few simple couplets I think I'll be there.

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